53; The novel of my life..

Vi fick i uppgift på engelskan att skriva en novell om vårt liv, eller som rättare sagt beskriver hur vi är som personer. Utan att skriva om oss själva..
Man kunde t.ex utgå från att skriva om sitt rum, och sen ska man kunna reflektera sig själv utifrån det?
U get it?
Iallafall, så bestämde jag att skriva om en relation. Mellan mig och min pojkvän.
Skrev alltså om Kevin, resultatet blev inte så bra som det skulle kunna bli, men rätt nöjd.

Here it goes.

The novel of my life

The greatest thing in my life, the thing that makes me stay alive. And makes me wake up every morning with a big smile on my face, is my boyfriend. Kevin. He is all that I ever wanted, collected in one handsome looking man. Kevin is a great boyfriend in many ways, not just attractive for me in a superficial way. There’s something about him that draws me to him.

Maybe it’s because We’re so much alike.
We both love music, mostly rock but also pop, disco, R&B. We can both be very childish, not because we haven’t grown up yet, ‘cause we like to have fun! We are both really bad losers..

I remember once when I won over him in the bowler, he was so mad. But in a cute kind of way, I’ll never forget that face. Haha!

But I’m not really the one to talk.. I have my moments to.

Another thing I love about Kevin, except that we are so alike, is that We’re so different.. I can’t really explain it, but it’s true.

Kevin is such a, how can i say it, good-boy? While I can be a bit of a law-breaker or a anarchist.

But ever since I’ve met him I’ve also been a little bit of a good-girl, he really brings out the best of me. I’m so proud over him, it’s not always easy to stand up against pier pressure, but he has never fallen for it, not what I know of..

Maybe that’s the main reason why I love him, he stands up for him self. He’s not trying to be something that he’s not. Just like me.

I wont ever let anyone bring me down, I am who I am and no-one will ever change that!

One thing I know for sure, I love my boyfriend and I’m so happy I’ve finally met him, the man of my dreams…



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